Received the Excellence Award at the 11th Kyoto Health Promotion Practice Company Awards
   The “Kyoto Health Promotion Practice Company” is a system in which Kyoto Prefecture certifies companies that are working to improve the cancer screening rate of their employees and promote health, and publicly announces and introduces their efforts. Our company has been continuously certified for the fiscal year 2024.
   Our health and productivity management initiatives have recently been recognized with the Excellence Award at the “Kyoto Health Promotion Practice Company Awards”, and we were honored at the Health Expo KYOTO 2024 held on November 21st.

■Health Expo KYOTO 2024 Website Introduction of Awarded Companies <article> 

■Kyoto Prefecture Website Kyoto Health Promotion Practice Company <article> 

  We will continue to promote health and productivity management by working to maintain and improve the health of our employees and create a workplace environment in which they can work safely and actively.
  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Self-Care Training held
   As part of our health and productivity management initiatives, we held a “Self-Care Training” session with the cooperation of mental health professionals.
   Self-care is a mental health measure that involves recognizing and addressing one’s own stress. This training was conducted primarily through group work in groups of 5-6 people, fostering a friendly atmosphere for active exchange of opinions. By sharing concerns, participants were able to objectively face their own stress and consider their own coping methods, learning the importance of self-care and the basics of maintaining mental health.
   To help each individual become more aware of mental health and develop a habit of daily care, we will also provide follow-up through videos.

   We will continue to strive to create an environment where everyone can work energetically and authentically.
   Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Health-related events
  At our company, we believe that enhancing communication among employees leads to better physical and mental health. Therefore, we organize various health events. Here are some of the recent events we held.
  • Health Lecture “Healthy Life through Walking” and InBody Measurement by Association kempo:
      In this face-to-face health lecture, we learned about the physical and mental benefits of walking and the correct walking form in preparation for our regular walking event held in November. During the InBody measurement session, participants measured muscle mass, body fat, protein, and mineral levels to raise health awareness.
  • Introduction of Lactobacillus in Employee Cafeteria Lunch Menu and “Health Measurement” and “Nutrition Consultation” Sessions:
      With the cooperation of our lunch provider (LEOC) and Yakult, we offered an event menu incorporating lactobacillus using Yakult’s Soful and provided Yakult as a selectable side dish. During lunchtime, we also held a “Health Measurement” session to measure vascular age and bone health. At the same time, a “Nutrition Consultation” session with the cooperation of the Health and Longevity Division of Kyoto City Minami Ward Office.
      We aim to support employee health by providing balanced meals and disseminating nutritional information.

  Additionally, we promote various health maintenance and improvement activities, such as women’s health seminars, cancer prevention, and e-learning courses on work-life balance support.
  We will continue to promote health and productivity management by working to maintain and improve the health of each and every employee and to enhance their work-life balance. Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Basic First Aid Course held
  On September 12 and September 20, we held our annual life-saving seminar at our head office and factory with the cooperation of the Kyoto City Fire Department South Fire Station. The purpose of this training is to develop employees who can respond appropriately in emergency, and training is conducted on an ongoing basis.

  We will continue to promote health and productivity management by working to create a workplace environment in which they can work safely and actively.

Featured in the “Healthy office declaration to work on from Kyoto (today): Casebook”
  In September 2024, our company’s health and productivity management initiatives were published in the “Healthy office declaration to work on from Kyoto (today): Casebook” as an example of a company that has made a “healthy office declaration” at the Kyoto branch of the Japan Health Insurance Association. Please take a look.

■Japan Health Insurance Association website “Healthy office declaration to work on from Kyoto (today)”  <Featured Article>

  We will continue to promote health and productivity management by working to maintain and improve the health of our employees and create a workplace environment in which they can work safely and actively.
  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Certified as “Eruboshi” as a company promoting women’s activities
  We are pleased to announce that we have received “Eruboshi” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company with excellent efforts to promote women’s activities in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Women’s Participation Promotion Act).

  The “Eruboshi” certification is divided into three stages based on the number of companies meeting five evaluation criteria: “recruitment,” “continued employment,” “working hours and other working styles,” “ratio of management positions,” and “diverse career paths.” We have now received the “second stage” certification.

  We will continue to promote support for a better work-life balance and create a workplace where all employees, including women, can maximize their abilities and work with a smile on their faces.

Examples of systems and initiatives to promote women’s activities
  • Childcare leave can be taken until “the end of the fiscal year (March 31) that includes the day the child turns 2 years old.”
  • Shorter working hours for childcare can be used until “the child graduates from elementary school.”
  • Annual paid leave can be taken on an hourly basis.
  • Employees can use the flextime system for childcare or nursing care.
  • Work support leave (system for accumulation of expired annual leave) can be used for child nursing care.
  • Selective training for female employees to enhance their careers.
  • “Working Women’s Health Seminar” for female employees and seminars on women’s health for managers and all employees.
  • Introduced a career continuity support leave system that can be used when a spouse is transferred overseas, etc.

Initiatives in logistics (first half of FY2024)
  In our logistics operations, we are promoting the reuse of packaging materials and efforts to consolidate shipments of products to overseas group companies. This fiscal year, we have begun an initiative to convert the results of these efforts into CO2 emissions and understand the degree of our contribution to CO2 emissions reduction. The CO2 emission reduction effects we have ascertained are disseminated within the company in addition to information on other logistics initiatives.
  In the first half of this fiscal year, efforts were made to improve the reuse rate of packaging materials by utilizing the SDGs stickers created last fiscal year and by adding images of CO2 reductions to communicate the results. Regarding efforts to consolidate shipments to overseas group companies, we consolidated 7.0% of our shipment request in the first half of the year, reducing the number of shipments.
  In logistics, our commitment extends beyond the reuse of packaging materials and consolidated shipping; we persist in our efforts toward eco-friendly packaging, waste reduction, and the enhancement of operational efficiency.

Decarbonization Initiatives in FY2023
  We are fully aware that reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change, is an important issue. We set CO2 emission reduction targets and will work on Carbon Neutrality throughout the Group.
  In FY2023, the Group’s total Scope 1+2 CO2 emissions increased by 312 tons from the previous year, mainly due to the addition of TOWA FINE and TOWA TOOL, which were recently added to the Group as production bases, to the calculation. On the other hand, we are actively promoting the use of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, and as for energy created by solar panels, we generated 5,566MWh, up 37.7% from the previous fiscal year, as solar panels at the Nantong Plant started operation. In terms of CO2 emissions, this represents a reduction of approximately 3,300 tons. In addition, major plants in Japan have been switching to electricity from renewable energy sources since July 2021. As a result, electricity from renewable energy sources accounted for 46.1% (percentage of renewable energy) of our plants’ electricity consumption in fiscal 2023.
  Our group will continue to promote the reduction of CO2 emissions to realize a decarbonized society.

  Please refer to the TCFD Disclosures Metrics and Targets and the ESG Data page for more details.

Understanding the CO2 equivalent of the results of logistics initiatives
  In our logistics operations, we are promoting the reuse of packaging materials and efforts to consolidate shipments of products to overseas group companies. We have begun an initiative to convert the results of these efforts into CO2 emissions and understand the degree of our contribution to CO2 emissions reduction. The CO2 emission reduction effects we have ascertained are disseminated within the company in addition to information on other logistics initiatives.
  The Scope 3 initiatives introduced previously, which cover all corporate activities, are relevant to various departments within the company. Until now, the evaluation of results has been based on indicators such as reductions in transportation costs and packaging materials, which are easy to aggregate. This initiative allows us to get a real sense of CO2 emissions, for example, by comparing them with the CO2 emissions of company cars, which will help motivate our efforts.
  We will continue to strive to reduce our environmental impact through various initiatives while raising employee awareness.

Initiatives in logistics – Packaging materials and consolidated shipments
  We are committed to promoting the reuse of packaging materials received from our suppliers and partners. These materials are not discarded but are sorted and stored by type for reuse. Last fiscal year, we managed to enhance the reuse rate for transportation between our domestic sites. Additionally, we are progressing in substituting wooden boxes with reinforced cardboard boxes for shipping parts and equipment; these boxes are not only sturdy and lightweight but also superior in terms of reusability and recyclability.
  Furthermore, we continue to advance our initiative of consolidating product shipments to our overseas group companies. In the previous fiscal year, we consolidated 10.0% of our shipment requests, which led to a reduction in the number of shipments.
  In logistics, our commitment extends beyond the reuse of packaging materials and consolidated shipping; we persist in our efforts toward eco-friendly packaging, waste reduction, and the enhancement of operational efficiency.

Scope 3 emissions have been calculated
  As part of our Group’s decarbonization initiatives, we have been working on the calculation of Scope 3 emissions*. We have now completed the calculation for FY2022 and disclosed the data on the ESG Data page.

■ESG Data   CO2 Emissions (Scope 3)

  CO2 emissions related to overall corporate activities are classified into three scopes.
  Our group has already started to calculate Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions* related to our own activities starting from the results of FY2018, and has been promoting reduction efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
  Scope 3 emissions are calculated for CO2 emissions associated with corporate activities along the supply chain, from upstream corporate activities such as the manufacture of purchased products and employee business travel, to downstream activities such as the transportation of sold products, electricity consumption during customer use, and end-of-life treatment of sold products.
  We will continue to actively promote initiatives that consider economic and risk aspects in addition to environmental ones, with a focus on emissions during product use, the category with the highest emissions volume.
*Scope1:Direct greenhouse gas emissions from our group
  Scope2:Indirect emissions from the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by other companies
  Scope3:All other indirect emissions occurring in the company’s value chain, excluding Scope 1 and 2

Certified as “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024”
  We are pleased to announce that for the third consecutive year, we have been recognized as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024 (Large Enterprise Category)” under the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).

  As part of our health management, we are working to create an environment in which our employees can work with joy and satisfaction. We will continue to promote health management by working to maintain and improve the health of each and every employee and to enhance their work-life balance.

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Certified as a “Sports Yell Company 2024”
  We are pleased to announce that we were certified as a “Sports Yell Company 2024” by the Japan Sports Agency on January 23, 2024.
  This is a system by the Japan Sports Agency to certify companies that actively promote sports activities to improve the health of their employees as “Sports Yell Companies”.
  We will continue to strive to create an environment where our employees can enjoy sports and lead healthy lives.

■Japan Sports Agency Website About “Sports Yell Company 2024”

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Continuously Certified as a “Kyoto Health Promotion Practical Company”
  We have been certified continuously as a “Kyoto Health Promotion Practical Company” in fiscal 2024.
  Under this certification system, Kyoto Prefecture certifies companies that are making efforts to improve the cancer screening rate of their employees and promote their health, and publicizes and introduces their efforts.

■Kyoto Prefecture Website   Kyoto Health Promotion Practical Company Certification System

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

  We will continue to promote health management by working to maintain and improve the health of our employees and create a workplace environment in which they can work safely and actively.

Customer Experience Management
  We are working on improving customer experience for further growth on a global scale. “Customer Experience” emphasizes not only the value of products and services, such as their functionality, performance, and price, but also the value of the customer’s experience during the process of purchase, using the product, and after-service.
  In order to improve customer experience, it is essential to improve employee motivation and job satisfaction (employee experience), so we have implemented experience management system, and are promoting initiatives from the perspective of the value of both experiences. Please further check the effects of our experience management on below Qualtrics web site.

■TOWA + Qualtrics

■Major Initiatives Related to the SDGs

  Through our “quarter-lead” policy, we will continue to enhance both the value of customer experience and employee experience to provide the market with “new products, new products, and services.”

Survey Image

Awarded the “Gold Prize” in the Contest for Preventing Accidents by Enhancing Traffic Manners (Safety Rally Kyoto)
  We were awarded the Gold Prize in the “Safety Rally Kyoto,” an accident prevention contest to enhance traffic manners, which was held from July to September this year. The Gold Prize recognizes teams that both maintain a record of zero accidents and zero violations, and also go above and beyond in their commitment to traffic safety activities.
  In addition to our continuous participation in the Safety Rally, we also participate in the annual “Annual Traffic Safety Slogan” campaign organized by the Japan Traffic Safety Association and other organizations to raise awareness and educate employees about traffic safety. 
  We will continue to actively promote activities to prevent traffic accidents at our company by enhancing the traffic manners of our employees.

Basic First Aid Course was held
  On September 11 and September 15, we held a life-saving seminar at our head office and factory with the cooperation of the Kyoto City Fire Department South Fire Station. The purpose of this training is to develop employees who can respond appropriately in emergency, and training is conducted on an ongoing basis.
  AEDs installed at our major business sites in Japan are registered on the Japan nationwide AED Map. In addition, our head office and factory are registered with Kyoto Safety First Aid Net Kyoto and can be found on the Kyoto City AED Map.
  We will continue to build a better work environment at the same time contributing to the creation of a safe and secure community.

Registration of partner companies to promote “Corporate Action to Promote Cancer Control”
  In June 2023, we were registered as a partner company for the promotion of “Corporate Action to Promote Cancer Control.” In addition, we participate in “Working RIBBON,” a project to lead the company’s efforts to address cancer among women in the company, in order to expand our health and productivity management initiatives. 
  We recognize the importance of early detection and treatment of cancer in supporting the promotion of our employees’ health. Therefore, we are increasing the number of opportunities to provide accurate information about cancer, such as by holding “Women’s Health Lectures” for all employees on diseases common to women and health risks that should be taken into consideration. In addition, we are striving to increase the screening uptake rate by covering the full cost of five government-recommended cancer screenings.
  We will continue to promote health and productivity management by working to maintain and improve the health of each and every employee.

Renewal opening of in-house Café space
  October 2, we reopened a Café space at our headquarters and factory.
  The Café space is equipped with vending machines that serve delicious coffee and incorporates greenery for stress relief and relaxation, making it not only a break space but also a casual working space. As a shared and common space for employees, the space is designed to provide a refreshment break, invigorate communication, and improve employee engagement.
  We will continue our efforts to create an environment where employees can engage in their work with joy and satisfaction.

Junior High School Visit Program
  On October 5th, ‘Junior High school visit program’ was held. It is covering how to solve the challenges and problems that company has, with reference to ‘TOWA Technology Innovation’, as part of comprehensive study of junior high school, located at Kyoto.
  Each student was listening carefully to contents of presentation, and they did a lot of questions thankfully from a variety of point of view. It was a valuable opportunity for us to be a well-known company from the junior high school students. We hope it was a new discovery and learning for students.
  Through the business activities and community volunteer, we are trying to make contribution and vitalization to local communities consistently.

Packaging Material Reuse Initiatives
  We are promoting the reuse of packaging materials used for packages received from our suppliers and subcontractors by sorting and storing them by type, instead of discarding them.
  In this fiscal year, to further promote this initiative, we created our original SDGs stickers and affixed them to reused packing materials and packages to increase the reuse rate with the understanding of our customers and other related parties.
  We will continue our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, reduce waste, and improve workability by consolidating shipments and using eco-friendly packaging, in addition to promoting the reuse of packaging materials in our logistics operations.

TOWA Summer Festival
  On August 16th, we held the “TOWA Summer Festival” at our Headquarters/Factory.
  Due to the Corona disaster, the festival has been on hold in recent years, and this was the first time in a while.
  About 650 employees and their families participated in both the morning and afternoon sessions and enjoyed a fun summer time with company tours, mini-fairs, lunches and dinners, and more.
  The day was blessed with fine weather, and after the dinner party, participants watched the Gozan Okuribi (bonfire on five mountains) from the roof of the company building.

  We believe that creating an environment and providing opportunities for employees to work in a healthy manner both mentally and physically, including communication with employees and their families who support them, will greatly contribute to our human capital initiatives. We will continue to promote the creation of workplaces full of smiles, and aim to create a healthy society for our employees and their families and a happy society.

Decarbonization Initiatives in FY2022
  We are fully aware that reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change, is an important issue. We set CO2 emission reduction targets and will work on Carbon Neutrality throughout the Group.
  In FY2022, we made significant progress in switching to renewable energy sources for the electricity we use. As a result, the TOWA Group was able to reduce its CO2 emissions (Scope 1+2) by 22.9% compared to FY2020. On a stand-alone basis, TOWA has reduced its CO2 emissions by approximately 98% from the FY2020 level. In addition, the ratio of electricity derived from renewable energy sources (renewable energy ratio) to total electricity use at TOWA Group production sites reached 46.4%.

  Please refer to the TCFD Disclosures Metrics and Targets and the ESG Data page for more details.

Promoting consolidated shipments
  We have been working on consolidating product shipments to overseas group companies since 2019. Last fiscal year, we consolidated 11.4% of the requested shipments, reducing the number of transports.
  From last fiscal year, we started consolidating shipments among group companies. We will continue to expand the scope of consolidated shipments and promote the reduction of transportation costs and CO2 emissions.

Packaging Materials Initiatives
  We are promoting the change from wooden boxes to reinforced corrugated cardboard, which is durable, lightweight, and has excellent reusability and recyclability, for shipping parts and equipment. It is lighter than metal or wood, making it easier to handle during packaging, and contributes to reducing transportation costs and CO2 emissions.
  In terms of packaging materials, we sort and store packaging materials by type, and reuse them instead of discarding them, even for materials received from suppliers and partner companies.
  Moreover, we actively use eco-friendly products made of natural and biodegradable materials, primarily corn-based, as cushioning materials, and are committed to “Eco-packaging”.

Featured in “ Visiting Company Cafeterias”
  Our company cafeteria was featured in the “Company Cafeteria Visit” section of “” in April 2023. 

  Please take a look.

■ article
  Visiting Company Cafeterias ~ TOWA CORPORATION <>

  We aim to create a company cafeteria that supports employee health by providing well-balanced meals and disseminating nutritional information.

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Registered as the “Delicious! KANSAI Supporting Companies”
  We were registered as one of the “Delicious! KANSAI Supporting Companies” sponsored by the Union of Kansai Governments in January 2023.
  This registration system is implemented by the Regional Industrial Promotion Bureau Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department, and aims to promote local production for local consumption in the Kansai area.

■”Delicious! KANSAI Supporting Companies” article
  Introduction of registered companies TOWA CORPORATION(Kyoto, Japan)

  In addition to endorsing this initiative, we will actively use local ingredients and aim to create a company cafeteria that will please all of our employees.

Certified as “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2023”
  We are pleased to announce that, following on last year, we have been recognized as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2023 (Large Enterprise Category)” under the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).

  As part of our health management, we are working to create an environment in which our employees can work with joy and satisfaction. We will continue to promote health management by working to maintain and improve the health of each and every employee and to enhance their work-life balance.

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Certified as a “Sports Yell Company”
  We are pleased to announce that on February 17th, 2023, we were certified as a “Sports Yell Company 2023” by the Japan Sports Agency.

  The Japan Sports Agency certifies companies that are actively implementing initiatives to support and promote sports activities to improve the health of their employees as ‘Sports Yell Companies’.

  We are working to improve employee health and stimulate communication through sports by organising softball tournaments and sports festivals on our own grounds, walking events using smartphone apps, pre-work radio exercises, subsidised club activities, and other activities.

  We will continue to strive to create an environment where our employees can enjoy sports and lead healthy lives.

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Certified as a “Kyoto Health Promotion Practical Company”
  We are pleased to announce that we have been certified as a ‘Kyoto Health Promotion Practice Company’.

  This certification system is a system in which Kyoto Prefecture supports companies that protect the health of their important employees, improve the health checkup rate of people of the prime working generation, and work to improve their health.

  We will continue to promote health management by working to maintain and improve the health of our employees and create a workplace environment in which they can work safely and actively.

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

Featured on the website of a health-related business company
  We are pleased to announce that our health management initiatives were introduced in the “Asked about health initiatives promoted by companies” section of Suntory Wellness Online, which is operated by Suntory Wellness Limited.
  Please take a look.

■Suntory Wellness Online <article>

▼Suntory Wellness Limited – Company Profile

  Click HERE to read about our health management initiatives.

TOWA held a seminar for managers on Women’s Advancement Promotion
  Aiming to improve the performance of the entire organization, a seminar was held for managers on women’s health literacy necessary for women’s advancement.
  The participants learnt about the impact of women-specific concerns on individuals and organizations, as well as climacteric disturbance, which are also increasing among men.
  In order for employees to continue working in good health regardless of their gender, we aim to create a workplace where they can understand each other correctly.

Establishment of healthcare rooms
  We have established health keeper (in-house physiotherapist) to promote the health and well-being of our employees.
  Healthkeeper, who are nationally qualified in physiotherapy, provide physiotherapy treatment, self-care guidance and health advice.
  In addition, the health care room is available free of charge during working hours and is designed to provide an environment that is easy for employees to use.

Introduced second electric vehicle at Headquarters/Factory
  As part of our decarbonization efforts, we introduced a second electric vehicle as a company car at our Headquarters/Factory. It is an electric minivehicle suitable for moving to nearby areas.
  Since we have already switched to electricity derived from renewable energy for all Scope 2 electricity used at all major domestic establishments for semiconductor manufacturing equipment business, we will next focus on reducing Scope 1 (CO2 emissions directly from fuels, etc.). When charging in-house, CO2 emissions during driving are reduced to zero, and according to estimates based on the mileage of our company car in fiscal 2021, it leads to a reduction of up to 1.4 tons of CO2 emissions during driving per year.
  We will continue to reduce Scope 1 CO2 emissions by expanding the use of electric vehicles, etc.

Started construction of solar panel system at our plant in Nantong, China.
  We will install solar panel system at our plant in Nantong, China, and work on creating renewable energy.
  We have started construction with a plan to complete and start operation in the middle of January 2023. Solar panels will be installed on the roof of the plant, and approximately 871,000 kWh of power generation is planned for the first year.
  With the introduction of this solar panel system, we will be able to cover more than 20% of the annual electricity used at this plant, and it is expected that CO2 emissions will be reduced by approximately 530 tons* per year.
  In our group, solar panel systems are already in operation at Kyoto East Plant in Japan, and overseas Plants in Suzhou, China and Malaysia, and we are responding to the creation of renewable energy and the global power shortage.
  In addition, since July last year, we have switched all the electricity used at our main domestic bases (Headquarters/Factory, Kyoto East Plant, Kyushu Work) to the renewable energy derived electricity. Through these efforts, we were able to cover 28.9% of the electricity used by the entire Group with renewable energy in FY2021.
  In FY2022, we expect to be able to cover about 40% of the electricity used by our Group from renewable energy sources through the full-scale operation of solar power systems and the continued purchase of the renewable energy derived electricity.
  Our group will continue to promote the reduction of CO2 emissions to realize a decarbonized society.
* Calculated using the CO2 emission factor of “IEA Emission Factors 2022” (614.4g-CO2/kWh)

Holding social events for Kyoto HANNARYZ
  The Company supports the Kyoto HANNARYZ, a professional basketball team belonging to the B.LEAGUE and hometown of Kyoto City, as a team partner (Silver Partner).
  On 9 June, at the end of the season, we welcomed Mr. Utsumi (now a member of the youth team coaching staff) and Konishi players to our headquarters and factory for a social event.
  Although it was only a short time during the lunch break, the autograph session, photo session and question session provided valuable and enjoyable time with professional basketball players who are active on the front line.
  We will continue to promote the team and our hometown Kyoto.

Climate change measures – Setting CO2 emission reduction targets and Support for the TCFD Recommendations
  We are fully aware that reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change, is an important issue, and have set CO2 emission reduction targets for the TOWA Group. We will work on Carbon Neutrality throughout the Group.
  We also announced our support for the recommendations presented by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (hereinafter “TCFD※”).
  In the future, based on the recommendations of the TCFD, toward reducing climate change risk, we will strengthen governance, promote measures by extracting risks and opportunities and grasping financial impacts, and further enhance information disclosure.
※ TCFD was established to consider climate-related information disclosure and the response of financial institutions to climate change. The TCFD Recommendations encourage companies to disclose governance, strategies, risk management, metrics and targets related to climate-related risks and opportunities.

Certified as “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022”
  It was certified as “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 (Large Enterprise Category)” under the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).
  We will promote health management by working to maintain and improve the health of employees and create a work environment where employees can work safely and lively.
  Please refer to here for Health and Productivity Management.

TOWA held in-house seminar “Health Seminar for Working Women”
  We invited an outside lecturer and held a “Health Seminar for Working Women”.
  We learned about the impact of women’s health issues on work, knowing their own health condition, and how to properly deal with them.
  TOWA will continue to promote efforts to further promote the activity of women so that each and every one of them can work in a healthy and personal way.

Toward expanding employment of persons with disabilities ー TOWA held in-house seminar
  On March 28, we invited a lecturer from the Kyoto Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities to learn how to communicate with people with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities or mental disorders, and also to learn what kind of mindset we should have.
  The purpose of the seminar was not only meeting the statutory required employment rate and fulfilling corporate social responsibility, but also improving our knowledge and awareness to realize the coexistence with persons with disabilities.
  We will continue to provide training for the employees to raise awareness and continue to improve work environment for people with disabilities to increase the opportunities to employ them.

TOWA starts using electric car
  As a part of our decarbonization efforts, our Headquarters/Factory we purchased one electric car as a company car.
  In July 2021, we converted the electricity consumed at Headquarters/Factory into the one derived from renewable energy. So, CO2 emissions during driving is zero when we charge battery at our company site. For us, replacing one gasoline-powered car with an electric car leads to maximum1,450 kg reduction in CO2 emissions during driving per year; this calculation is based on the mileage of our company car in fiscal 2020.
  We will continue and expand to use electric vehicles.

Practice of Health Management ― Smart Garden at TOWA Korea proved to be effective for tiredness recovery
  TOWA Korea has participated in Smart Garden Program promoted by Cheonan-si and greened its resting room in Cheon An Office in November, 2020.
  Now, as a result of the experiment conducted by HanKyong National University to measure the effects of the program, it has demonstrated to be effective for recovery from physical and mental tiredness of employees.
  The experiment was conducted in October 2021 with employees in their 20s to 50s, it was demonstrated that using this resting room had some effects such as lowering blood pressure, releasing psychological stress(reductions of negative emotions, such as anxiety, fear, anger and sadness)and improving vitality and concentration compared to using a normal resting room.
  The foliage plants at the resting room have excellent ability of absorbing volatile harmful substances in the air and supplying fresh air.
  The room has automatic water supply unit, lights with automatic brightness control and air circulation fans, and maintains optimal conditions for plants growth while keeping maintenance costs to the minimum.
  TOWA Korea will continue employee health oriented management.

TOWA Group sets “Human Rights Policy” and “Anti-corruption Policy”

  We have set “Human Rights Policy”. We, in its own business activities, will deepen its understanding that the human rights of all concerned parties must be respected and will conduct appropriate activities based on this policy.
  We have set “Anti-Corruption Policy”. Based on “Anti-Corruption Policy”, we strive to thoroughly prevent corruption such as bribery, embezzlement, extortion of profits, or fraudulent bidding etc., that is abusing of the power and status of one’s own or a third party’s duties. In addition, we strive to thoroughly prevent judicial obstruction or money laundering, etc., which are compliciting acts.

Solar panels placing plan at Kyoto East Plant finalized

  We are going to place solar panels on the roof of the new plant, which is under construction, and existing plant at Kyoto East Plant.
  The construction begins in January 2022 and the panels will start operating from March 2022.
  After completion, we will be able to cover about 9% of the electricity consumed at Kyoto East Plant in FY2020. This equals to the reduction of about 280 tons of CO2 per year. (Calculated using an emission factor of 0.350 kg-CO2/kWh)
  We have already switched all of the electricity consumed at this plant to the renewable energy derived electricity in July 2021, and we further promote creating energy internally.

Switching to LED lights at Headquarters/Factory

  We are going to switch the lights at Headquarters/Factory to LED lights.
  We have already switched the main lights of the factory and office to LED lights in 2015 and 2016. Following this, we switch the remaining about 1,000 lights to LED lights from January 2022. After completion, we can get the effect equal to the reduction of about 13 tons of CO2 per year. (Calculated using an emission factor of 0.350 kg-CO2/kWh)
  We have already switched all of the electricity consumed at Headquarters/Factory to the renewable energy derived electricity in July 2021, and we will continue our efforts to reduce the total amount of electricity consumption.

Overseas subsidiaries also place solar panels

  Following Kyoto East Plant, Japan, overseas plants in TOWA Suzhou (China) and TOWA Malaysia also resolved to place solar panels and started construction.
  After completion, it is estimated that Suzhou plant will be able to reduce CO2 emissions by 1,020 tons and Malaysia plant, by 1,330 tons. Each of the amounts corresponds to about 30% of annual emission amount respectively.

TOWA Japan has adopted new renewable energy derived electricity plan

  From July 2021, TOWA Corporation has switched the electricity used at all major domestic establishments to the renewable energy derived electricity.
  Furthermore, from November 2021, TOWA Headquarters/Factory and Kyoto East Plant has switched its contract to the one with tracking information (*1) which enabled TOWA to join RE100 (*2).
 (TOWA uses renewable energy derived electricity continuously.)
 (*1) The information indicating the source of renewable energy derived electricity mentioned in Non-Fossil Certification, such as the location of power generation equipment.
 (*2) The global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of large and ambitious businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity.

TOWA Japan continues to consolidate product shipments

  From fiscal year 2019, TOWA Corporation has been consolidating product shipments to its overseas subsidiaries to the greatest extent possible. In this fiscal year 2021, we reduced the number of shipments about 8 % per month in average so far (from April to October 2021) against the number of shipment request.
  This has contributed to a decrease in fuel consumption by trucks and also minimizing exhaust gas emissions.

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